Office Bearers – Committee of Management
Club Captain: | Hazel Clark |
Vice-Captain & Match & Handicap Convenor: | Jim Docherty |
Greens Convenor: | Denis Elder |
Membership Convenor: | Alan Mackie |
Finance Convenor: | Alan Finlay |
House, Entertainment & Fundraising Convenor: | Steven Delaney-Clarke |
Lady Captain | Catriona Mackie |
Teams: | Graeme Harvey |
Senior Representative: |
Tom Donnelly |
Office Bearers – Club Officials
President: | David Bunker |
Vice-President: | Margaret McFeat |
Vice-President: | Louise Clark |
Vice-President: | John Ellen |
Vice-President: | George Anderson |
Vice-President: | Sandy Park |
Operations Manager: | John Forbes |
Office Supervisor: | Sarah MacPherson |
Course Manager: | Graham Burnett |
Clubhouse Manager: | Holly MacBean |
Club Professional: | Alastair Neilson |
The Club ~ Constitution & Rules
Dress Code
Members and visitors are expected to maintain a reasonable standard of dress both on the golf course and in the clubhouse and surrounding area.
Sleeveless shirts, collarless shirts, football shirts, sport shorts and colours must not be worn in the clubhouse or on the course. Caps must be removed when in the clubhouse.
Golf shoes are not allowed within the lounge, back bar or foyer of the clubhouse. Anyone not adhering to the Code will be asked to leave the clubhouse/course.
No Smoking Policy
All areas of the clubhouse are designated as “No Smoking” areas.
The Club’s Constitution
1. Name and Objects of the Club
The Club shall be named the Nairn Dunbar Golf Club and shall be a non-profit making body. The object of the Club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the supply of sporting services generally and the sport of golf in particular.
2. The Club
The Club shall consist of Life and Ordinary Members from whom the Council shall be elected. In addition there shall be Honorary, Country, Temporary, Restricted Introductory, Junior, Juvenile Non-playing Members, and Lifestyle Members
3. Election of Members
All Honorary, Life, Ordinary Members, Non-playing Members, Country Members, Restricted Introductory and Lifestyle Members of the Club shall be 18 years of age and over and shall be elected by the Council. The Council may elect as Honorary Members such persons as they think desirable in recognition of renown as a golfer, or services rendered to the Club or to the game of golf. Candidates for admission as Life, Ordinary Members, Non-playing Members, Restricted Introductory and Lifestyle Members must fill in an application form to be obtained from the Secretary, must give their full name and address, must be signed by him/her and posted on the Notice Board of the Clubhouse for at least 14 days, before consideration by the Council.
4. Office Bearers and Council
The Office Bearers of the Club shall consist of the President, with one or more Vice-Presidents, the Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and nine Councillors. The Council shall consist of these office bearers, with the exception of President and Vice-Presidents and with the addition of two members who may be appointed by the Highland Council. The President, Vice-Presidents and Vice-Captain shall hold office for one year.
The Captain shall hold office for two years. Of the nine Councillors first elected, three shall hold office for one year, three for two years and three for three years, from time to time of their respective elections. Immediately after their first election of Councillors, the order of their retiral shall in presence of the meeting be determined by lot.
The period of office of all office bearers shall run to the date of Annual General Meeting most nearly corresponding to the period of office provided, but they shall hold office until the appointment of their respective successors.
The provisions contained in Rule 3 as to the nomination and notice of candidates of membership shall apply to candidates for election as Office Bearers with the substitution of the words “Annual General Meeting” for the word “Council”. Election of Office Bearers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting when the vacancies occurring shall be filled, and in the event of the number of nominations for any office being greater than the number of vacancies for such office, the elections to such office shall be decided by ballot of the majority of members present and voting.
Only Life and Ordinary Members shall have the right to vote in such elections or to hold office as members of the Council. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to casual vacancies occurring through death, resignation or otherwise, which shall be filled by the Council for the term of office remaining unexpired of the Office Bearers so ceasing to hold office, and by the Highland Council as regards casual vacancies affecting their representatives.
Declaring that no office Bearer shall:
1. rent or lease land to the Club
2. be a relative, business partner or person acting under the direction of any person leasing or renting land to the Club
3. be a relative, business partner or a person acting under the direction of anyone associated with the Club who receives emoluments based on the turnover of any aspect of Club facilities.
The Council shall appoint a Secretary or other officer of the Club who shall conduct the administrative business of the Club under the direction of the Council and shall keep or cause to be kept Minutes of the proceedings of all Meetings of the Club, Council and Committee.
The Council shall appoint a Treasurer or other officer of the Club who shall take charge of all funds belonging to the Club and make payments there from under the direction of the Council. All funds of the Club shall be placed in such account or accounts as the Council may direct. All cheques drawn on the Bank Account off the Club must be signed by the Treasurer.
No overdraft may be incurred by any officer of the Club without authority of the Council.
It shall be competent to combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
The Council shall have the management of all matters connected with the Club and shall have power to make regulations for the management of the Clubhouse and the course, including rules regulating the hours of play of all or any members of the Club and the allocation of charge for lockers. All such regulations shall be binding on every member concerned until set aside by the Council, or by a General Meeting, shall be posted in the Clubhouse. The Council shall present to the AGM a report of the year’s intromissions and Financial Statements for the year ending 30th September preceding the meeting, which shall be reported on by Independent Accountants.
5. General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held before 15th December and on a date to be from time to time fixed by the Council. Special General Meetings may be called by the Council at any time, but the Council shall be bound to call a Special General Meeting if called upon to do so, on requisitions signed by not less that 50 Life or Ordinary Members, and stating the business to be considered, such meetings to be held within four weeks from the date of receipt of the requisition. Special General Meetings shall be called by Notice published in the Clubhouse and in at least two local Newspapers not less than seven days prior to the date of the meeting.
Business not given on the Agenda cannot be considered at a General Meeting.
6. Quorum and Chair
At General Meetings ten shall form a quorum, at Council Meetings five shall form a quorum. At all General and Council Meetings, the Captain, failing whom the Vice-captain or in his/her absence a Chair nominated by the committee shall preside. At all meetings the Chair shall have both a deliberative and casting vote. In the event of the necessary quorum not attending at the time and place fixed for any meeting such meeting shall stand adjourned to a date to be fixed by the Chair.
7. Notice of Motion
One Ordinary Member may only bring before the Annual General Meeting any matter where notice thereof is given in writing to the Secretary seconded by another member, not later than the 31st October preceding the Annual General Meeting.
8. Council Meetings
The Agenda to be issued by the Secretary for the meetings of Council shall contain the particulars of business approved by the Captain whom failing the Vice-captain, to be conducted at the meeting and it shall be open to the Chair to permit the meeting to deal with business of an urgent nature not specified on the Agenda.
9. Membership Categories
Membership of the Club is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, political or other opinion.
The Council may refuse membership, expel or suspend from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. All disciplinary procedures will be conducted per the Disciplinary Process extant at that time including the process of Appeal.
Ordinary Members shall consist of Lady and Gentlemen Members 18 years of age and over.
Honorary Members shall be elected at the discretion of the Council, this membership is extended to the Captain of Nairn Golf Club ad infinitum.
Restricted Introductory 5-day Member (Limit – 50)
Country Members shall be resident 50 miles outwith the town of Nairn.
Junior Members shall consist of Lady and Gentlemen Members over 16 years of age and under 18 years of age.
Juvenile Members shall consist of Girls and Youths under 16 years of age.
Non-playing Members shall consist of members over 18 years of age and entitled to the facilities of the Clubhouse and Putting Green.
Temporary Members (visitors) shall consist of Ladies and Gentlemen including juniors and juveniles temporarily resident in the district.
Life Members of the Club shall possess the same rights and obligations as Ordinary Members.
Lifestyle Members shall consist of Lady and Gentlemen golfers over 18 years of age who wish to participate in a value for money membership option, the terms of which shall be decided from time to time by the Council. Lifestyle members shall have no vote in the management of the club.
10. Entry Money and Subscriptions
The Council shall have power to fix the Entrance Fees and Annual Subscriptions of all classes of members, including Junior Members and Temporary Members (Visitors).
Ordinary members who joined the Club before 1 January 1999 who attain the age of 65 and who have been Ordinary members for an uninterrupted period of at least 10 years shall pay the current full subscription less the sum of £150.
Ordinary members who joined the Club on or after 1 January 1999 who attain the age of 65 and who have been Ordinary members for an uninterrupted period of at least 20 years shall pay the current full subscription less the sum of £150.
Ordinary members aged 80 years or over with 10 years continuous membership will receive a reduction of £150 on their annual subscription. Ordinary members attaining their UK Government Retirement Age will receive a reduction of £100 on their annual subscription. Ordinary members who joined the Club on or after 1 January 2007 who attain the age of 65 irrespective of length of membership shall have their subscription set by the Committee.
The Annual subscription by all members shall be payable in advance and shall fall due on 1st January every year.
Members wishing to resign must intimate their intention of so doing in writing to the Secretary and any member failing to give such information at least two weeks before 31st December shall be liable for payments of the subscription for the ensuing year.
Members whose subscriptions are not fully paid, or who have not committed to the Club’s approved payment scheme, on 1st February shall be deemed to be in arrears and their names shall be posted in the Clubhouse and notice thereof sent to such members by the Secretary or Treasurer.
No member whose subscription is in arrears, or who alternatively has failed to enter into the Club’s approved payment scheme, may vote or take part in any business connected with the Club, or play for any of the Club prizes or medals.
Any member failing to pay his or her subscription by the 1st March shall cease to be a member of the Club and his or her name shall be removed from the list of Members.
Temporary members shall have no vote in the management of the Club or be eligible for any of the Club prizes or medals except in so far as permitted by the Council from time to time but shall be subject to the rules of the Club and regulations made by the Council as far as applicable. The name of each person admitted as a temporary member shall be subject to the approval of the Council who shall have power at any time to terminate his or her membership without assigning any reason therefore, and without exercise of Rule 9.
11. Notice to New Members
On the acceptance of admission to the Club of new Ordinary, Non-playing, Country, Restricted Introductory, Junior or Lifestyle Members, the Secretary shall notify such member or members by an offer of membership and at that time shall request payment of the Entry Money due as agreed by the Council and Subscription for the full year then current, not withstanding that part of the said year may have already run. If these sums are not paid within thirty days from the date of the offer of membership then the said offer of membership will be deemed to be withdrawn by the Club.
Only after a new member has paid the full entry fee, or has committed to the Club’s approved payment scheme, will they be entitled to vote or take part in any business of the Club.
12. Introduction of Visitors to the course
Any Member playing with a non-member shall be regarded as responsible for seeing that the usual green fees are paid.
13. Posting of Notices in the Club
No notice or document of any kind shall be posted in the Clubhouse without the approval of the Captain, Secretary or Match Secretaries.
14. Requisitions or Complaints
All requisitions or complaints shall be made to the Secretary in writing.
15. Trustees
The Captain, Vice-Captain and Secretary for the time being shall be Trustees for the Club and the heritable property of the Club shall be vested in them and their successors in office as such Trustees and they shall have full power to execute all necessary deeds connected with the same. Any two of these three Trustees shall also have power to sign leases on behalf of the Club.
16. Borrowing Powers
The Council may borrow money on behalf of the Club secured, if necessary, on the heritable property of the Club and may vary such loan or obtain new or additional loans but they shall not exercise the above power in respect of a sum exceeding £10,000 in any one year (with the exception of loans incurred in terms of Hire Purchase Agreements or Leases relating to course and Clubhouse equipment necessary for the day to day running of the Club) without first obtaining authority to do so from a special meeting or Annual General Meeting of the Club after due notice.
17. Rules of the Game
The Rules of the Game shall be those of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, as amended by them from time to time, with local Rules as the Council of the Nairn Dunbar Golf Club may enact.
18. Rules Governing Excisable Liquor
No member of the Committee and no Official or servant employed by the Club shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sale. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied except to a member for consumption on the premises.
No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person under 18 years or age. No guest shall be supplied with excisable liquor in the Clubhouse unless on the invitation, at the expense of and in the company of a member. The member on the admission of such Guest to the Clubhouse and before the Guest is supplied with such liquor, shall enter his or her name and the name and address of each guest with the date of the visit in the Guest Book which shall be left for this purpose.
The permitted hours during which excisable liquors shall be sold by the Club shall be as follows:
• Sunday to Thursday 11.00am – 11.00pm
• Friday & Saturday 11.00am – 01.00am
and other extensions, which may be applied for by the Council and approved by the Licensing Board.
No person under 14 years of age shall be allowed in the bar area of the Clubhouse.
No person under the age of 18 years of age shall be employed by the Club if the purpose or one of the purposes of his employment is to serve alcoholic liquor to persons in the Club.
19. Club Assets and Dissolution
No profits or surpluses will at any time be distributed to members.
All profits or surpluses generated by Club activities shall be devoted to maintenance or improvement of Club facilities.
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:
1. a registered charitable organisation(s)
2. another Club which is a registered CASC
3. the sport’s national governing body for use by them for related community sports
as may be determined by the members of the Club by resolution passed at a General Meeting at or before the time of dissolution.
20. Date of Coming in Force
This constitution and the Rules contained therein shall come into force immediately on their adoption at a General Meeting of the Club.
21. Alteration of Rules
None of the foregoing rules can be altered except by a General Meeting of the Club
aa Child Protection Policy
Nairn Dunbar is committed to keeping safe & protect the welfare of all young members of the club.
The Club is committed to a Child Protection Policy.
The Club’s Child Protection Officer is: Jacqueline Finlay
Contact Details
01667 452741 – options available for departments
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Nairn Dunbar Golf Club
Lochloy road, Nairn, IV12 5AE
Tel: 01667 452741
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